Weekly Workout Recap

Monday- REST
Tuesday- Gym- Treadmill workout: 5mins warm-up, 40min run, 5mins cool-down
Wednesday- Gym- Elliptical hills workout: 40mins
Thursday- REST
Friday- REST
Saturday- Run- 3.56miles, 41:26mins, av pace 11:39min/mile
Sunday- Gym- Cycling sprints (3 sets), upper body weights.

The weather was horrible this week which really knocked my enthusiasm for exercising outside. I know it's a poor excuse but freezing temperatures and gale force winds can make a workout miserable, and I like to think that running is something I do for fun. Yes, it's good for me, but it's been proven that when exercise is enjoyable people are more likely to stick with it. So I made the choice on Tuesday to go to the gym before work and run on the treadmill- maybe a little more boring scenery-wise, but I listened to podcasts and it was a really good workout.
Friday I was determined to inject some enthusiasm and excitement into my run, so thought "why not run to work?" It's approximately 6miles, so I wouldn't have run the whole way (yet), but just got off the train a stop earlier. However, after having a late night and then waking up and looking out the window at the weather, I wussed out. I felt guilty andΒ embarrassedΒ all morning after having told people I was going to do it- it felt like a pathetic excuse and having already got plans Friday evening, I was really anxious that would mean I wouldn't have made my 3 runs that week, and I'd get out of sync with my training plan and wouldn't be able to run the 10k in 5weeks time etc etc...thoughts spiralling out of control!
Eventually I got my head together and realised it wasn't the end of the world. Just because you have one bad day, or skip one workout, doesn't mean you're a failure. I googled and found some really helpful resources which made me feel a little better- I'm not the only one who stresses about these things! πŸ™‚


Exercise guilt
Coping With Missed Workout Guilt

On Saturday the weather was still terrible but after having 2 days off I knew I needed to go for a run, and although the treadmill would have been the warm and dry option, I really wanted to go and run somewhere with a change of scene. I'd really enjoyed running around Bushy Park as it was so different to running on roads so I headed back there- it was pretty quiet due to the weather so I just plugged in a new audiobook I'd downloaded and plodded round the park. I timed it perfectly as it turned out- it just started pouring as I was warming-down!


I had an ohso bar as a post-run treat- yum!Β ChocolateΒ definite motivates you that last mile! Check out my review of Ohso here.


I'm loving my Garmin Forerunner 10! It makes me relax during my runs and not worry about distance or time, and the pace indicator is really useful- stops me running too fast, and it's nice to see how I have actually improved over the last few weeks.


Sunday was my usual gym session- cycling sprints followed by upper body weights. I may have to try the next dumbell up next week!


Beki x