WIAW : What I Ate Wednesday 24

And welcome to another WIAW. This week is pretty crazy at work as we're moving to a new office on Friday so there's lots of boxes everywhere, and people manically packing up their desks. Fortunately as I've only been there just over 6 months I haven't managed to accumulate too much stuff, so it shouldn't take me too long to do!
For the past 2 and a 1/2 weeks I've been trialling a version of the "Paleo Diet". I'm sure most of you have heard of this (summary here if not), and people take it to different levels of seriousness. It's associated with Crossfit, and is basically built on the premise that we should only eat natural unprocessed foods, as our caveman ancestors would have done. ie. eliminate grains, dairy, legumes, sugars...
There are heated debates about what is or isn't Paleo, but I haven't been worrying about this too much - for me, it's basically a way to try and push me to eat more fruit, vegetables and natural foods. The biggest change has been cutting out bread, pasta, rice and potatoes...
This is a great article which covers the 7 Shades of Paleo - I would say I'm probably in the Primal or 80/20 category - still love a bit of cheese or frozen yoghurt occasionally!

Anyway, onto this weeks WIAW eats...

Breakfast - Poached eggs, smoked salmon and blueberries

Lunch - Falafel (ok, chickpeas aren't technically Paleo but like I said it's an 80/20 kinda rule for me...) salad, with lettuce, avocado, tomatoes, cucumber, radishes. 

Afternoon snack - Berry delight nakd bar

These are actually a really good option for a "Paleo" snack as they only contain fruit and nuts (and the occasional natural flavouring) - not bad if you want something quick and handy. 

Dinner - Homemade beef burger, sweet potato and courgette roasted in coconut oil, and steamed greens. With some non-paleo ketchup on the side ๐Ÿ™‚

I also had several cups of tea throughout the day! 

Have you tried the Paleo diet? Or any other form of clean eating? I know my blogger friend Leah is doing a Whole 30 at the moment which also focuses on natural unprocessed foods...
Beki x