Yoga Essentials: Who Wears Short Shorts?

Since getting into yoga in the last few months I've made a few purchases which I wanted to share with you...

Yoga is a little like running in that you think, "oh I don't really need anything apart from a decent mat/pair of running shoes" and then 3months later you find your house and wardrobe taken over by shiny new kit and those accessories you "must have"!

Of course, this isn't really necessary but these are some of the items I've found have made my practice more enjoyable:

Yogamatters Sticky Mat Β£17

At only Β£17 this mat is an absolute bargain, and great for starting out on your yoga journey! It comes in an array of gorgeous colours and has excellent grip, enabling you to stay strong and not slip in your yoga poses. It's also 4.5mm thick, which provides great cushioning on hard floors.

YogaMad Wildflower Mat bag Β£13.50

If you're going to be taking your mat to classes at studios (essential for Bikram, in my opinion), or you just want to have a handy travel bag there are several options. I've still got my eye on the Lululemon Sweat Once A Day bag, but for a cheaper option this YogaMad bag is great. It even has a pocket on the outside, so you can pop money, keys, etc in there if you're just going out for a quick class.

Yogamatters Get A Grip Yoga mat towel with dots Β£24

For Bikram yoga you need to take a towel to put over your mat, a) to stop you slipping and b) to soak up the sweat! I love this Yogamatters towel as it is super absorbent, and has little silicon dots on one side which give you a really firm grip. It can even be used just on the floor without a mat. It also comes in all the same colours as the Sticky Mats so you can get a towel that matches your mat! (if you're fussed about that, like me...)

Manduka Mat Spray Β£27 for 32oz large bottle/Β£9 for 8oz

If you're attending yoga classes regularly, especially Bikram where you sweat a lot, it's important to look after your mat. This all purpose cleaner naturally disinfects and leaves your yoga mat smelling fresh with aromatic essential oils. It's organic and doesn't contain any chemicals that will degrade your mat, and the Energizing Gingergrass flavour I have is meant to reduce stress and energise the mind!

Who Wears Short Shorts?

Fortunately (or unfortunately!) I have a decent range of running/fitness clothes that can be worn for hot yoga. The only thing I really need to buy is a pair of shorts- I have running shorts but they're a bit baggy for such "stretchy" poses (IYKWIM) so I've just been wearing an old pair of USAPro gym shorts I have, but the waistband has become twisted in the wash and is now really bulky and uncomfortable.

These are some of the options I'm considering...

Sweaty Betty Bikram Yoga Short Β£45

Onzie Hot Yoga Side String Short Β£34.95
Definitely the top option for patterns, but oh my goodness they're short!

They do offer a "full coverage" short as well though... Β£34.95

Lululemon Groove Short Full-On Luon Β£42

Lululemon Boogie Short Β£38

Forever21 Geo Print Yoga Shorts Β£7.25
A cheaper option, although I'm unsure on longevity or opaqueness...

Any recommendations? What do you wear to yoga? I have several pairs of capris that I wear to normal yoga, but it's just too hot for that in Bikram!

Beki x