What is Speedflex?
Speedflex workouts are high in intensity, low in impact and short in duration- and boy do they make you work!
They use Speedflex machines which mimic weightlifting movements (Squat Press, Clean and Press, Bent Over Row, High Pull etc) but the machines respond to your force as opposed to the addition of weights. This means that a variety of abilities can use the same machines without any changes required, from a professional athlete to a pensioner! However much force you put in, is the pressure with which the machine responds. The idea is that there is no damage to muscles as
all the movements are concentric (compared to eccentric, gravity based forces experienced when lifting free weights), and users can expect little to no muscle soreness post workout.

I would say that this is not entirely true! The 7 machines are also interspersed with other movements to create a full circuit, including kettlebell swings, side lunges on a Bosu ball, sandbag clean and press, step ups and high knees. These definitely leave your legs aching the next day but I would agree that it is a lot less than if you were using a proper bar and weights, and it was all lower body soreness.

Each session you wear a heart rate monitor on a chest strap to provide an accurate calorie-burn, and so you can see the percentage heart rate you're currently working at on a screen in the room. This is based on a full body assessment carried out prior to the induction.
Groups are small- there were 2 of us in my induction class, and about 14 in the full session, and the trainer comes round giving one-to-one guidance. At the end of each session she went through everyones results, highlighting how much time each person had spent working in their 90% HR zone- the "red zone". I actually hadn't done any- I'm not whether this is because I wasn't trying as hard (definitely felt like I was!) or I have a particularly sluggish metabolism and so it takes a lot for my heart rate to get up that high, or because the calculation of my maximum heart rate was inaccurate.
The demonstration of everyone's stats might be a bit intimidating if you don't like being singled out, but I think it would be interesting to see your progress over a period of time.
During the class you move round the circuit with 15-30seconds on each piece of equipment, sometimes working in supersets with a partner and swapping back and forth between two items. This keeps it varied, although I did feel a little like I was just going round and round in a circle for 45minutes- but, hey, I suppose that's the definition of a "circuit"! At the end of the session I'd burnt around 600kcal and there were moments where I felt sick, due to the constant high intensity movement. The combination of resistance training at a fast pace creates a cardiovascular workout that leaves you exhausted afterwards!
My only concern, as with all workouts based on time, is that trying to do as many reps as possible in 15/30secs can mean sacrificing form, although the risk of injury is less without actual weights.
The London studios are located in Bank, with great changing rooms, and there are various different package memberships available. Prices aren't listed on the Speedflex website, but as with a lot of unique Central London fitness studios, it isn't cheap. However, I'm sure if you committed to it for a 6-8 week period, you would see some pretty significant changes, and several professional athletes and celebrities swear by the method including ex-footballer Alan Shearer.
Does Speedflex sound like something you would try? Do you love working with weights? I must admit, given the choice, I would always choose free weights over a machine- there's just something more appealing about them. However, the lack of upper body soreness is a real incentive.
Beki x
NB: I was given the chance to try Speedflex for free, but all opinions are my own.Β