7 Tips for a Saner Christmas: Om Yoga December

This month's Om Yoga Magazine has a great article featuring some simple and practical ways to make the holiday season calmer and more joyful! 
I thought I'd share the ideas below....

7 Tips for a Saner Christmas 

7 tips for a Saner Christmas - Om Yoga Magazine December

1. Get organised to minimise stress - make a list of everything that needs to be done, such as writing cards, shopping, cooking, work deadlines and travel arrangements, and then schedule tasks. This means they get done bit by bit and you won't feel overwhelmed.

2. Remember the "message"- whenever you feel frantic, annoyed or upset, remind yourself that the holidays are about being thankful, giving and loving. Although whilst elbowing Christmas shoppers and stressed commuters out the way it can be hard to remember!

3. Let your heart be your guide- when thinking about gifts, something that's personal and comes from the heart will be the most meaningful, which doesn't have to be expensive material items. I have a pregnant friend at the moment, and gift suggestions such as an offer to babysit, or a meal out when the baby is born would definitely be gratefully received!

4. Be smarter with your cards- if writing cards can feel like a chore, consider ways to make it easier. Try cutting down on your list, or send out an e-card this year instead. Or break it down, writing 3 a day until you're finished. Remember the last posting date is Sat 20th for 1st Class

7 tips for a Saner Christmas - Om Yoga Magazine December
5. Prioritise your "yes's"- we often get overwhelmed with invites and parties during the holiday season. This can cause burnout especially if you're agreeing to host or organise a house party, office party, friends dinner or any other event. Consider your time and energy and prioritise engagements- but of course, enjoy yourself! 

6. Be good to yourself- following on from the previous point, pace yourself in terms of eating out and partying! Make sure you get lots of sleep and make room for time alone to replenish your energy, even if it's just a short walk around the block in your lunch break ๐Ÿ™‚

7. Don't bury your emotions- if the holidays are a difficult time for you, maybe because a loved one is no longer around or you know a certain relative can rub you up the wrong way (!), then let yourself have a good cry or release the anger when you're in a private place. 

7 tips for a Saner Christmas - Om Yoga Magazine December
And if all else fails, my top tip is exercise! Get out the house and go for a run to blow the cobwebs away, and release that pent up stress. Or head down to the gym and throw some weights around whilst listening to your favourite "angry tunes"! Stick some cheesy Christmas music on and have a dance around, or sit on your yoga mat, close your eyes and spend some time just listening to your breathing.... 

I hope you all have a fantastic holiday! How do you keep calm and enjoy Christmas? 

I'm an Om Yoga affiliate blogger, which means I get a free digital subscription in return for writing about the magazine. If you fancy subscribing, whether for yourself or as a Christmas gift, click here. (*affiliate link)

Beki x