Recap and Reflect 2014

One of the great things about having a blog is being able to look back at what you've done. It's a great reminder of what I've achieved and hugely motivating to see how far I've come, as cliched as it sounds. 

The end of the year is also a great time for reflection, in order to set goals for the next 365 days, which I will post about on Friday!

Here's a rundown of some of my favourite posts from 2014! 

Jantastic- I took part in the 3month challenge that was Jantastic (and have signed up again for 2015), motivating me to run 3 times a week throughout the winter months.
21 days of Yoga- I also took part in Charlie's (The Runner Beans) 21 day yoga challenge, mixing it up with classes, and home practise.

Bikram Yoga- As part of the yoga challenge, I started Bikram Yoga, which was great when the weather was cold!
Hula Hooping with Adidas- I try out numerous fun exercise classes throughout the year, and hula hooping was definitely different!

My New Flat- I bought my own place! 🙂

Reaching Double Figures - As part of my half marathon training, I completed my first ever 10mile run.
Fairoaks Ten - This was followed a few weeks later by a ridiculously muddy 10mile race with my brother.

Geneva Racecation- 2014 saw my first ever "racecation", with the Team Naturally Run ladies taking on the Genevoise 5k and Relay Marathon. This is definitely something I want to do again!
Windsor Trail Half - I completed my very first half marathon with my two brothers, on a scenic riverside route.

A Relaxing Spa Break- June saw a quieter month with a relaxing Champneys Spa break with two friends.
Injury- I was unfortunately injured after the half marathon, and spent time swimming, walking and rediscovering my love for Body Balance!

Lunchtime Circuits - I was lucky enough to have the lovely Steph working down the road for a while, and enjoyed our lunchtime sweat sessions.
Juice Cleanse- I also satisfied my curiosity by completing a 5-day juice cleanse (which I would not do again).

Barrecore Wimbledon - Another class review, this time at the newly opened Barrecore studio in Wimbledon.
Spitfire Scramble- A 24-hour trail race with Team Naturally Run was one of the highlights of this year! I loved the night running, and the team spirit of this event 🙂

Edgecycle Bootcamp- During the autumn I got back into Spinning thanks to Edgecycle, and went regularly 2/3 times a week for a few months.
Teach First Run the River 5k- This fun evening race with Emma and Lucy took us past some of the sights of London.
Ealing Half Marathon- I made it to the start line of Ealing Half despite injury, and knocked 10 minutes off my previous time! This race was hot, hilly but great fun.

Trying out Speedflex- Another month, another interesting class to try.
The #HHH Challenge with Be:Fit- I got involved with the Christmas Countdown challenge organised by Be:Fit encouraging people to eat healthy and be active in the runup to the festive period.

Getting a Running Coach- With Brighton Half Marathon my next challenge, I started working with Bea, to try and get faster!
Bella Velo and Winter Cycling Tips- I also bought a new bike (after mine was stolen) from a great new women's only bike store.
First Interval Session- As part of my quest for a 2:30 Half Marathon, I've added speedwork to my running training.

Wireless Fitness with Zero Calorie Advent Calendar- the final fun class of the year, an outdoor bootcamp class with wireless headphones.
Greenwich Xmas 5k - And rounding off 2014 with the Team Naturally Run ladies at Greenwich Park 5k, which saw me bag a new PB!

Not a bad year! There have definitely been some ups-and-downs, as is always the case, and I have a lot to take on board and learn from next year, both in terms of fitness and in my personal life. I think it's important to think about what went well, and what we would improve upon or do differently, so we can move forward and get the most out of life.

Putting together this post also made me realise how many great memories I have- sometimes it's easy to forget and focus on the negatives, when really we should be proud of our accomplishments 🙂

Now go and read this post by the awesome Liz and think about what you want to achieve for 2015.

What was your highlight of 2014? Do you think that reflection is important for growth? 

Beki x