New year, new start!

At the start of 2014 I decided that I wasn't going to make any resolutions as such, but rather set myself monthly goals of smaller, more attainable tasks. I will be doing the same for 2015 and I'll post about them on Monday. 

However, many people have written about the power of choosing a word to reflect your intention for the year- check out some brilliant posts on the subject here and here. I think it's a great idea, and I realised on reflection that I did it almost subconsciously for 2014. 


2014 was the year I ran my first ever half marathon! And then a few months later, I went on and ran another- I wrote "STRONG" on my arm at Ealing Half, and despite injury had the strength to come back and knock 10minutes off my time. At my very last race of the year, my improved strength led me to a 5k PB on a hilly course!

It hasn't just been physical strength, but mentally too. In terms of running, this has meant banishing negative thoughts about being too slow to run with other people, and letting the strength of family and friends push me forward- they showed me the fun side of running and I loved it!

In 2014, I became much more interested in a regular yoga practise, and the mental strength I've developed has enabled me to to let go and find some relaxation when things have been stressful.

Emotionally, without being strong I wouldn't have got through the year. After a terrible end to 2013, I had the strength to take control of a bad situation, and refuse to back down. I bought myself a flat, and got onto the property ladder, strengthening my personal situation and rebuilding myself.

Now I just have to work on my confidence, the strength to speak my mind, the confidence to do the things I want to do and believe I can get where I want to be.

And this leads me on to my word for 2015.


My choice was inspired in part by the yoga course I've signed up to in January- the Yoga for Runners course by Jasyoga uses Lauren Fleshman's Believe journal, a training diary that will help you to dream big and "believe that anything is possible."

This seemed like a good start.

I was also reminded of my lack of belief that I would be able to achieve that PB in the Greenwich 5k before Christmas- so much so that I'd already drafted an email to my coach explaining why it didn't happen. I don't mean that these things will happen out of purely believing, but a little self belief and optimism can't hurt right?!

In general terms, I have to believe that things can only move forward and get better. That a setback, a change to "the plan" doesn't mean it's the end, whether because of an injury in running, or a relationship break-up.

In 2015 I want to believe that I have it in me to be great, in reaching my fitness goals, in progressing in my job and feeling like an emotionally stable human being! Sometimes believing is what enables you to take that leap and go for it.

I want to believe in myself.

What word would you choose for 2015?

Check out Liz Goodchild's original post here- thanks for the inspiration. 

Beki x