Work Packed Lunches with Simply Health

In order to save a bit of money and make healthier choices, I've been trying to take my own packed lunches to work. If I plan what I'm going to have for lunch, then I'm less likely to grab unhealthy food when my self-control is low due to reduced energy!
A recent Simply Health article, with stats from a BBC poll, states that 54% of office workers regularly spend their lunch breaks at their desks. Although I don't have anywhere to sit to eat other than my desk, I do always try and go for a short walk afterwards to get some fresh air and move my legs.

Research shows that eating well  during the day promotes productivity- not surprising really, no one can concentrate with a growling stomach! Apparently a higher intake of fruit and veg also leads to increased feelings of curiosity and creativity, a great reason to reach for the carrot sticks instead of the crisps if you're chasing a deadline.

Here are some of the tasty concoctions I've put together this week:

Salmon and Sweet Potato Salad

Work Packed Lunches with Simply Health
Work Packed Lunches with Simply Health

Falafel Salad

Work Packed Lunches with Simply Health

Chicken, tomato and spinach pasta

Work Packed Lunches with Simply Health

What do you take to work for lunch? Have you found it affects your performance? Does your workplace provide healthy snacks or a kitchen area to help prepare food?

Beki x

NB: I was sent a food delivery courtesy of Simply Health in order to put together some healthy lunches for the week. I chose the food so these are definitely things I would eat normally!