Time to Breathe

My blog has been somewhat neglected of late. There have been other things on my mind, but I wanted to fill you in and let you know that I'm still here, I'm still writing and I definitely have a lot of really exciting things planned!

It can be a difficult balance to maintain a "hobby" blog and a full time job, and I often feel guilty because I accept products and opportunities from brands and am then unable to do as much as I would like or progress things as quickly as I would have wished.

It's definitely something that I want to work on, perhaps by being more organised with my time, making notes for blog posts whilst on the train or something. But I think that it's also important to recognise that life is for living, and I don't want to miss out on some pretty amazing life experiences because I'm too busy thinking about my next Instagram post...


Here's a little life update for those of you who might be interested:Β 

  • I recently travelled to France to become a Godmother to my best friend's little boy. I didn't understand much of the ceremony but I felt so honoured to be there!

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  • I've been taking on more responsibility at work including organising the Blogger Launch for a really exciting new boutique fitness studio in Charing Cross. You should totally come and check it out!



  • I started working with an amazing small group training studio in Croydon, and have been attending 2 sessions per week - which is both exhausting and brilliant! Plus I've been continuing to go to classes at BOOM Cycle, fit in the odd running race with my work colleagues and make use of my Kinetic turbo trainer at home...

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  • There have been some fun developments in my personal life, building new relationships and enjoying time with old friends - definitely a lot of things to make me smile.


All of these things are great, but they mean that perhaps I'm "off doing stuff" more often than I am at home to write about it. And quite often after a long day at work, I haven't been feeling like sitting in front of another screen when I get home. I think that it's important to enjoy what you're doing, and I'm loving all of the amazing blogging opportunities that are coming my way at the moment, and I definitely see myself continuing to write Miss Wheezy for a long time to come! But sometimes IΒ feel a little breather, some time to actually appreciate the "real" things in my life is just as vital.


How do you balance "living life" and writing about it?Β 

Beki x


  • Maria @ runningcupcake says:

    It is so hard to get that balance! I go through spurts where I write posts fairly often, every couple of days, and then other times it's once a week. Like you, I feel bad if I accept something to review and then it takes me ages to get around to it, but then I think it is a blog for fun, and nothing else, and no-one is paying me so I am sure they don't mind waiting a bit. If I am doing a recipe challenge or something I always ask if they have a deadline so I know whether to accept it or not.
    Like you say, it's good being busy doing things instead of sitting at home writing about doing things. Plus soon there will be a rainy weekend and you will be able to stay inside all cosy and warm and drink tea and catch up if you fancy it.

  • Allison says:

    Finding the balance around work/life/blogging can be tough. Sometimes there are loads of things to write about, but no time to write them; other times you've got all the time in the world but not much to say. But living life and having wonderful experiences means you will have lots to share with us (when you get a chance to sit down and write them up!).

  • Anna @AnnaTheApple says:

    Ahh you look so pretty in that photo! πŸ™‚
    Glad to hear life is going well. Blogs are tricky - you need to live life in order to get 'content' but you don't want to be living life purely for the content if you get what I mean!

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