Learning to Relax with Yoga Bliss

I can't believe that we're into April already! Things are changing for me towards the end of this month as I leave my current role in London, and start a new job. I will reveal all the details in due course, as it's something I'm super excited about, but suffice to say, it's been a pretty busy few weeks! And I expect that to continue as I wrap things up, and then get stuck into a new routine.

When things seem to be flying by at lightning speed, it's even more important to take time out just to breathe and reflect. I've neglected my yoga practise recently and I can really feel the difference in how crazy my head feels, with so many thoughts whirling around.

Learning to Relax

The weather is slowly starting to warm up though, and more time outside means more opportunity for headspace. I find that even taking a walk means I feel a little less stressed! Last weekend I headed over to the park for a few stretches in the sunshine. I received this beautiful eye mask* from Yoga Bliss recently and its perfect for relaxing in Savasana. It's got lavender and flaxseed inside, and smells lovely - lavender is such a calming scent! I've got the This Works Deep Sleep pillow spray by my bed which has lavender oil in it, and I love a cup of Clipper Sleep Easy tea (which includes lavender) before bed - it's definitely one my favourite plants and smells. In fact, I just planted a load of it outside on my terrace so it's safe to say I'm a little obsessed!

Learning to Relax

Unfortunately the BAM leggings* that I also got from Yoga Bliss are really thin and a bit see-through despite being super comfortable - they're made of bamboo so are really soft, but I think I'll have to keep them for yoga practise in my living room! I'm loving the top though - it's from athleisure brand RUNAwho specialise in cutting-edge prints, and while I think some of them are a little too out there, I quite like this blue pattern. I also have the sweatshirt in the same design* which you can see I'm wearing in my blog post on the Decathlon Scavenger Hunt. It only comes in one unisex size so its really too big and baggy on me (in fact someone asked me if I was pregnant while I was wearing it - eeek!), but its great for lounging around at home.

My little yoga session in the sun made me feel much better - I'm definitely going to make more time for relaxing during April, even if that's just lying in Savasana with my eye mask 🙂

How do you take time out to relax when things are hectic? 

Beki x

NB: *I was sent these items to review, but as always all opinions are my own. 


  • Lisa Valentine says:

    I've always been curious about trying Yoga but never actually got around to it before. This may be the push that I need 🙂

  • Maria @runningcupcake says:

    That eye mask sounds lovely- I have a plain black one to wear when I sleep but I love the idea of a scented one.
    I've been going to a weekly yoga class since October and I love it- very challenging at the start but so relaxing at the end and I feel miles better for it. Time outside always makes me feel better- a walk or some gardening, something gentle.
    Our garden has no lavender at the moment and when we are back from our holiday I am going to get some in pots as I love it, as do the bees.

  • Lauren says:

    I'm considering taking up meditation as seriously in need of some relaxing! I love the idea of yoga, but somehow always think I'm too uncoordinated for it! MAybe I should give it a go, it seems to work for lots of people. Good luck with your new job 🙂

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