Earlier in March saw the official launch of another year of the Ordnance Survey #GetOutside campaign, and I'm delighted to still be involved as one of their Champions! 2018 was a fantastic opportunity to connect with some inspirational people who are doing great work across the country encouraging more of us to get active and get outside.

I do still feel a little of the 'imposter syndrome' when I think about my achievements compared to some of the other Champions, but it was nice to walk into the room at the hotel in the Peak District where the launch event took place and see friendly, familiar faces. I think that's one of the things I love about this particular community; no-one sees themselves as superior, or more of an 'adventurer' than anyone else.
It happens in a lot of circles - in running, some people feel that you're not a 'real runner' if you walk, or if you can't achieve a certain min/mile pace. Amongst outdoor types, there can also be an element of that, with certain tick boxes deemed essential before you can be taken seriously - have you climbed a mountain yet? Have you wild camped? Have you built a fire?

I love that with the Ordnance Survey #GetOutside Champions everyone is seen as equal - we all just share a passion for the outdoors and mostly spent the launch weekend planning all the adventures we could squeeze into the next few months!
There was also the opportunity for a short walk around the local area (see my video below) and an insight into some of the plans Ordnance Survey have for the coming year. I know it's the end of April already, but there's still plenty of time to get involved. Put Sunday 29th September in your diary now! That's the date of the official National GetOutside Day, and there will be loads of great activities taking place.
May is also National Walking Month, and this year Ordnance Survey are focusing on workplace health. You know how much of a fan I am of heading out for a walk on my lunch break so this is something I'm keen to support. I understand it can be a challenge for people in certain professions, but I firmly believe that even just 15minutes to get outside makes a big difference to our productivity - and makes us happier! I'd love to see organisations allowing their employees a bit more freedom and guidance on the benefits of incorporating fresh air and movement into the working day. Why not take the opportunity during May to see if there's anyone in your company who would like to go exploring?
How do you combat feeling like a bit of a fraud sometimes? What Get Outside plans do you have this year?
I think we're all a bit plagued by imposter syndrome, in life, fitness and at work. I just try to remember that comparison is the thief of joy and remember that I'm on my own journey (as is everyone else), so we can all inspire and encourage each other we'll be just fine π
My Get Outside plans this year revolve mostly around cycling. I'm just back from an awesome week off cycling the South Downs Way and a couple of trail centres in Wales, and later this month we're taking the road bikes to Spain for the first time ever too so really excited about that!
Keep doing what you're doing Beki, your blog is awesome and you inspire me daily to leave the confines of my desk to get some fresh air π
Have loved following your outdoor adventures!
I love the work you OS Champions are doing! And like you say, it really doesn't matter what experience you have - that's the beauty of being out in nature it benefits EVERYONE! x