I can’t believe that it’s been ten years since I decided to start writing this blog, and documenting my outdoor and fitness adventures. There have definitely been some major changes in the blogging world and ‘influencer’ space in that time. I’m glad I still have ownership of this little corner of the internet and am able to look back at the posts I’ve written, even if I cringe at some of the very early ones!
My focus has definitely changed from those first diary-style blog entries where I would document everything I ate in a day, post about the films I’d seen recently or share the recipes I enjoyed cooking. I also used to blog every day! There’s no way I have the time or energy for that now, and I’ve definitely got out of the routine of blogging regularly and have lost some of my motivation in the last couple of years.
The initial inspiration for writing Miss Wheezy was brought on by the fact that 2012 was an Olympic year, and there were lots of amazing stories being shared in the news and people close to me who were taking on new challenges. I initially started my blog to document my progress with the Couch to 5k programme, and things kind of spiralled from there! Back then in London there were only a few bloggers and it was really exciting to be part of that ‘starting set’ and spend time with people like Naturally Leah, Life Laura London, Paddle Pedal Pace, Healthy Happier, and The Runner Beans. There were many other members of ‘Team Naturally Run’, a group of running bloggers who met up at races, and avidly followed each others blogs. Who remembers the Wimbledon Christmas 5k dressed as elves?! Or the first Nike ‘We Own The Night’ 10k where we all met each other for the first time! Or even ‘Write This Run’, a blogging workshop - is that a thing anymore?

I’ve achieved a lot in ten years after crossing the finish line of that first 5k. My favourite memories include running my half marathon PB at Brighton, completing my first (and only) Tough Mudder, and cycling 100 miles at RideLondon. I’ve also done a duathlon, raced abroad in Geneva, dabbled in Crossfit for a few years, been on yoga retreats, discovered kettlebells and functional training, gone off-road with mountain biking and trail running, and spent two years as a 'GetOutside' ambassador with Ordnance Survey. There have been plenty of other 'pinch-me' moments working with brands too, such as the hiking trip to the French Alps with Decathlon. I feel pretty lucky to have been one of the first on the scene and to have bagged myself an invite to these fun events and trips - something that as a micro/nano/tiny blogger definitely doesn't happen as much these days!
Although my fitness achievements have become few and far between in recent times, I hope that perhaps this new chapter of my life - just married, new house, new job - might give me some fresh motivation, and get the creative juices flowing again. There’s a fair bit of catching up to do though. Blog posts are definitely not the way most people choose to consume their content these days. Video is key, from TikTok (bleugh) to Instagram Reels, to YouTube and I’m a 35 year old ‘uncool’ step-mum now!

But I also think that my approach to writing has evolved too. I've found my niche - fitness and outdoor - and am more focused on what I want to share. I used to accept product gifts without thinking so much about the relevance, and didn't really write posts that had any longevity to them. Now as well as sharing my experiences and opinions, I hope that there's some useful takeaways for readers!
I don’t know whether I will still be writing here in another ten years time but it’s been fun to look back - that in itself has made me want to rekindle the love for blogging, and continue to share my passion for getting active.
Beki x