Weekly Workout Recap - Cycling

Monday - REST
Tuesday - Cyclebeat 45mins
Wednesday - REST
Thursday - REST
Friday - Cyclebeat 45mins
Saturday - Cyclebeat 45mins
Sunday - REST

Quite a boring week workout wise! I mean, it was fun for me and I'm really enjoying the Cyclebeat classes but there's not much to write about πŸ™‚

On a "REST" day I walk about 45mins, to and from work, but I don't really count that as part of my workouts. It's great to get that extra bit of exercise in though, I'm grateful I don't have to drive and sit in traffic for an hour anymore! Even when it's raining it's nice to get out in the morning and get some fresh air before heading to the office.

I've had to think about hydrating a lot more with Cyclebeat. They're quite intense classes and being inside a small studio with heaps of other people, I sweat A LOT! While I take a water bottle with me and drink it all during the class often I end up feeling dehydrated later on in the day as I haven't continued to take in extra fluid to compensate. I've made a mental note to work on this to avoid feeling headachey and rubbish later on, after such a great workout!

Do you get much "natural exercise" in during your day? How do you make sure you drink enough?

Today I start Crossfit as mentioned in yesterday's post, so things should get a little more interesting in upcoming recaps πŸ™‚

Beki x