Trying a Gousto Recipe Box

I tend to get stuck in a bit of a rut with my meals, and can often be really lazy come dinner-time,Β opting for scrambled eggs or something similar, because of the mistaken assumption that cooking healthily is time consuming and…

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Life Changes [and a haircut with RUSH]

Life Changes and a haircut with RUSH

If you follow me on social media you may have seen that I joined the team at Human Race on Monday! Although I was sad to leave the lovely ladies at Action PR, I'm super excited about my new role…

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Fitness and fun over the Easter weekend

Easter fitness and fun

The recent four-day weekend was just what was needed to recharge my batteries, and enjoy lots of time outdoors. The weather wasn't particularly warm, but it was mostly sunny and dry which is all you really need for some active…

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Mixing up my training with Fitness First

Fitness First Spinning

I will admit I've got stuck in a bit of a rut with my training since my membership at MyPT Studio ended. I've been running and cycling, maybe once or twice a week each. I know that this isn't really…

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Learning to Relax with Yoga Bliss

Learning to Relax

I can't believe that we're into April already! Things are changing for me towards the end of this month as I leave my current role in London, and start a new job. I will reveal all the details in due…

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Training for the London 10 Mile

Training for London 10 Mile

After struggling with knee issues for most of my running life, and having recently discovered a love for cycling, I'd resigned myself to the fact that I probably wouldn't run any more long distance races. I've always enjoyedΒ the half marathon.…

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