My New Cycling Kit

Cycling kit for London to Brighton

Expanding my activewear and fitness kit to include cycling gear these past few months has been pretty fun. Even if it means that most of my wardrobe is now sports clothes! These are some of the products that helped get…

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British 10k Race Recap

I was relaxing at The Hacienda in Spain on a yoga retreat when the British 10k took place, so I asked Ruth from Rula Runs to take part for me - here's how she got on! I know I repeat…

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Team Asthma UK

Team Asthma UK

As you may have seen if you read my blog post last week, I have decided to go for it and take part in RideLondon, which is now in 3 weeks time - eeek! As part of that I have…

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July Goals: To Ride or Not to Ride

July goals

And we're in July! Supposedly summer, although I'm yet to really see evidence of that in the UK, and the month of the biggest challenge I have undertaken yet - RideLondon. RIDE LONDON I've had an ongoing inner debate with…

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Top Tips for Spinning

I first discovered indoor cycling properly when I moved to London, and went along to a class at Cyclebeat. I loved the party atmosphere, the intensity and the fact that the dimly lit room allowed you to work at your…

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London to Brighton Bike Ride

It’s kind of hard to put into words my experience last week at the BHF London to Brighton Bike Ride. I’ve had a full week for the achievement to sink in, and that medal is now probably one of the…

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