The OM Yoga Show London: OM Yoga Magazine October

It's nearly time for this years OM Yoga Show, organised by the OM Yoga magazine and featuring a whole host of free classes, paid-for workshops, shopping and tasty treats! I headed along last year and took part in a Hip…

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Top Five Yin Yoga Poses for Runners with Paula Hines

Pop Brixton launched at the end of May as a foodie destination, housing the next generation of local food and drinks entrepreneurs, retail outlets and a community event space, all in up-cycled shipping containers. I headed along to a couple of yoga…

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Seamless Chafe-Free Runderwear

Wear Rundwear for chafe-free running

WHAT IS RUNDERWEAR? If you're like me you've probably been running in normal underwearย up till now. You might even have gone commando and not worn any during your last race, in an effort to avoid the dreaded chafing. Often you…

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Shine Night Walk Half Marathon Recap

Dodging tourists and drunken hecklers as I strode through London covered in flashing wristbands and glowsticks was definitely an interesting way to spend my Saturday evening! I lined up on the start line of the Shine Night Walk Half Marathon…

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Preparing for the Shine Night Walk 2015

HAPPY WEEKEND! I hope you have some great plans to get out and enjoy the end of September sunshine. I'm taking on the Shine Night Walk Half Marathonย this evening - walking 13.1 miles around the streets of London with some…

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