On Becoming A Runner (Guest Post)

I love mixing things up on Miss Wheezy and featuring guest posts from other great fitness bloggers- if you'd like to contribute get in touch! Today we hear from Kat, who writes at Tailfish, and is a snowboarder turned runner. Here's her…

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Urban Massage Review: Relaxation in your Home

Urban Massage is an on-demand mobile massage service delivering treatments to your home (across London) by professionally qualified and insured therapists. Had a bad day? Your therapist can be at your house within 60 minutes of booking for instant relaxation!…

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Experimenting with Compression (Guest Post)

I'm back from the Isle of Wight Festival now, but I've loved mixing things up on Miss Wheezy and featuring other great fitness bloggers.I'd like to carry on having guest posts every now and again so get in touch if…

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Coconut Protein Pancakes (Guest Post)

While I'm away at the Isle of Wight Festival I have a few guest posts lined up from some great fitness bloggers... Today we have an awesome pancake recipe from the lovely Safia of mygriffinway! Try it out this weekend and…

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Cycling Heroes and Me

Cycling is something that I enjoy, but have always been a little scared of! Not so much the act of getting on the bike itself, more a fear of negotiating roads, traffic, public transport to get to my start point…

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