Trying Out Speedflex

What is Speedflex? Speedflex workouts are high in intensity, low in impact and short in duration- and boy do they make you work! They use Speedflex machines which mimic weightlifting movements (Squat Press, Clean and Press, Bent Over Row, High…

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Crystal Palace Parkrun

Another Saturday, another parkrun!This time I headed on the train to Crystal Palace parkrun (nearest station for me is Penge West).I ran the Age UK 10k here earlier in the year so I knew a little of the park, although…

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Lloyd Parkrun and Iffley Road Running Wear

As part of my October goals to be a Parkrun Explorer, on Saturday I headed to Lloyd Parkrun in Croydon.It's another easy one for me to get to as there's a tram stop called Lloyd Park just outside the gates! It…

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The Om Yoga Show: Om Yoga Magazine October

The Om Yoga Show London is being held next weekend (24th-26th) at Kensington Olympia. The October edition of the Om Yoga Magazine has a big section on the show so definitely check it out if you're interested in going along!…

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The Running Bug: Run to the Moon Challenge

Do you know how far it is to the moon exactly? Well the short answer is, β€˜a very long way’. It is exactly 238,857 miles from earth, a distance that if someone decided they wanted to run (at say an average…

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Stur Drinks: Do You Drink Enough Water?

How much water do you drink each day?There have been several figures thrown around when it comes to the number of glasses suggested, but everyone agrees that drinking more water is a good thing. Even becoming mildly dehydrated can impact…

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