Seeing A Physio: Hints & Tips

Today I have a guest post featuring two lovely ladies who have agreed to share some info on seeing a physio when you're injured.Hilary Billie Wilson gives the physio's perspective...Background:I graduated from the University of Otago in 2005 and have…

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Runner's Jewellery

I love my running medals. And I have an awesome hanger from the Runner's Wall to display them- every time I walk past I feel proud of what I have accomplished. It's a little more full than this now! However…

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Injuries and Swimming

I may have mentioned that I have been struggling with an aching hip/groin for the last few weeks. It started a couple of weeks before my half marathon- an intermittent pain in the crease at the top of my left…

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Yoga By Candlelight

There are many different types of Yoga, and I believe that there is a variety for everyone! You just have to find the style and teacher that you like. Source But depending on your mood and current physical and personal…

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Get On Your Bike

On Sunday I went out on my bike for the first time since September last year! My poor Trek Lexa...I've definitely neglected her, mostly because I'm a fairweather cyclist (!) but also because I've moved house and Croydon really isn't…

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A Relaxing Break

After my first Half Marathon and a super busy stressful week at work, I was definitely in need of both a physical and mental break!Fortunately a couple of friends and I had just the thing planned last weekend... We headed…

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