2 Year Blogoversary Winners!
Thank you so much to everyone who entered my 2 Year Blogoversary Giveaway!There were 2 winners:The lovely Steph at Tub on The Run won a case of the new Coco Cafe from Vita Coco, and a Β£20 giftcard to Wiggle.Lucy…
Asthmatic fitness and outdoor enthusiast
Asthmatic fitness and outdoor enthusiast
Thank you so much to everyone who entered my 2 Year Blogoversary Giveaway!There were 2 winners:The lovely Steph at Tub on The Run won a case of the new Coco Cafe from Vita Coco, and a Β£20 giftcard to Wiggle.Lucy…
On Sunday I ran ten miles! If anyone had told me I was capable of that even a few months ago I would have laughed. After a pretty rough end to last year, and a rollercoaster beginning to 2014 I…
Today I thought I'd share my Half Marathon Spotify Playlist, which I have been slowly adding tracks to, in preparation for the race.I know that not all races allow headphones, and some people prefer to run without music, and I…
Happy Wednesday! This month I am celebrating 2 years of blogging at Miss Wheezy!!I want to say a huge "Thank You" to everyone who has read my ramblings, commented and shared my posts; I really appreciate your support.I've met some amazing…
I wrote recently abut the power of the mind, and how mantras and certain words can give you the energy to push through in a workout. Yoga and cupcakes with the lovely Emma and Lucy :) While attending the Good…
As you may have noticed I decided to kickstart my 3rd year of blogging with a brand new look for Miss Wheezy!After browsing the web and reading up on the possibilities of designing my own site, I decided that for…