2 Year Blogoversary Winners!

Thank you so much to everyone who entered my 2 Year Blogoversary Giveaway!There were 2 winners:The lovely Steph at Tub on The Run won a case of the new Coco Cafe from Vita Coco, and a Β£20 giftcard to Wiggle.Lucy…

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Reaching Double Figures

On Sunday I ran ten miles! If anyone had told me I was capable of that even a few months ago I would have laughed. After a pretty rough end to last year, and a rollercoaster beginning to 2014 I…

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My Running Half Marathon Playlist

Today I thought I'd share my Half Marathon Spotify Playlist, which I have been slowly adding tracks to, in preparation for the race.I know that not all races allow headphones, and some people prefer to run without music, and I…

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2 Year Blogoversary {Giveaway}

Happy Wednesday! This month I am celebrating 2 years of blogging at Miss Wheezy!!I want to say a huge "Thank You" to everyone who has read my ramblings, commented and shared my posts; I really appreciate your support.I've met some amazing…

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Count To Ten - Mental Tricks for Running

I wrote recently abut the power of the mind, and how mantras and certain words can give you the energy to push through in a workout. Yoga and cupcakes with the lovely Emma and Lucy :) While attending the Good…

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A Fresh Look

As you may have noticed I decided to kickstart my 3rd year of blogging with a brand new look for Miss Wheezy!After browsing the web and reading up on the possibilities of designing my own site, I decided that for…

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