Jantastic Recap: April Goals
For the last 3 months, I have been taking part in Jantastic - an amazing online community that helped spur me on and keep my feet pounding the pavement, through the hardest first months of this year. The idea behind…
Asthmatic fitness and outdoor enthusiast
Asthmatic fitness and outdoor enthusiast
For the last 3 months, I have been taking part in Jantastic - an amazing online community that helped spur me on and keep my feet pounding the pavement, through the hardest first months of this year. The idea behind…
Get running fit with yogaI've written several posts before on the benefits of yoga for running, cycling or everyday calmness! This article in the latest issue of Om Yoga Magazine has some more great tips on incorporating a few simple…
Hello!It's been 3 weeks since I moved into my new flat. The days have been a whirlwind of unpacking, trips to Argos and IKEA, and getting used to the tram commute to work. Consequently there has been little time for…
The last few weeks have been pretty hectic with a huge amount of lifting, moving, packing, cleaning, and crying, and not much running (or sleeping)!I also managed to fall down the stairs, while carrying some washing, and ended up in…
Since getting into yoga in the last few months I've made a few purchases which I wanted to share with you...Yoga is a little like running in that you think, "oh I don't really need anything apart from a decent…
...aka Bikram Yoga I started going to Bikram Yoga as part of the January 21 Day Yoga Challenge hosted by Charlie at The Runner Beans. It's been on my "bucket list" for ages, so I finally got around to giving it…