Random Recipe: Simple Beef and Chorizo Burgers

Ingredients 2 slices bread10-15 slices chorizo250g minced beef1 egg1. Roughly rip your slices of bread up and blitz in a food processor for a minute or so until they become breadcrumbs. 2. Cut or tear your sliced chorizo into small pieces, and…

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Weekly Workout Recap: 8

Monday - 2.9miles, 31:50mins, av pace 11:01min/mileTuesday - REST (walking)Wednesday - Yoga 1hourThursday - Body Pump 1hourFriday - 2miles, 23:22mins, av pace 11:36min/mileSaturday - REST (sports massage)Sunday - 4miles, 45:17mins, av pace 11: 19min/mileMonday was my first run in my new shoes!I had 3miles on the agenda…

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Fun Friday Links

Is it just me but even though this was a 4 day week, it seems to have gone pretty slowly?! Here are some fun links to speed up your Friday afternoon.Enjoy! :)The Thug Kitchen- I stumbled across this on Twitter this…

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WIAW: What I Ate Wednesday 7

What I Ate Wednesday with Jenn from Peas and Crayons!A reminder what it's all about:These are my eats from Monday, which was a Bank Holiday.Yay to 4 day weekends!BreakfastLeftover hot cross buns and raspberries, with a big mug of tea.I…

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Happy One Year Blogoversary Miss Wheezy!

My blog is 1 Year Old today!ย  I can't believe I've been writing it for a whole year- so much has changed in my life! I feel like my writing has developed a lot too, and I have much more…

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Weekly Workout Recap: 7

Monday - Gym: Treadmill 5k plus w/up + c/down, approx 38minsTuesday - Gym: 30mins elliptical (hills workout). Nike Training Club 15mins ab burner.Wednesday - Run: 2.5miles, 28:06mins, av pace 11:11min/mileThursday - RESTFriday - Run: 4.5miles, 51:23mins, av pace 11:21min/mileSaturday -…

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